Sustainability is commonly discussed in the mainstream, but you probably haven’t encountered the term “Strategic Electrification” before reading this sentence. That’s normal, but don’t leave to Google it yet. After reading this article, you’ll understand how Strategic Electrification fits in the larger movement toward sustainability and how it’ll impact how you heat and cool your home.

Strategic Electrification: Change For The Better

Strategic Electrification is the movement to replace fossil-fuel burning technologies with electricity-based alternatives to reduce pollution, increase energy efficiency, and reduce costs for consumers and society. An example would be replacing a conventional oil or propane boiler with an electric-powered heat pump. In the ideal Strategic Electrification scenario, the heat pump runs on electricity generated by a clean energy source, like wind or the sun, and the homeowner enjoys modern comfort and reduced monthly energy bills.

For Homeowners

By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, electric-powered heat pumps help lower CO2 emissions and improve air quality. The same INVERTER-driven compressor that enables modern heat pumps and Zoned Comfort Solutions to maintain set points without using more than the precise amount of energy needed creates opportunities to increase this environmental benefit by making renewable energy feasible for more homes. Wind doesn’t blow on demand. No one can flick a switch to request more sunlight. With INVERTER-driven energy efficiency, heat pumps mitigate the challenge of keeping your home comfortable during windless days and dark nights. This energy efficiency also results in reduced overall utility bills, and that’s before investigating whether electricity is less expensive than fossil fuels in your region.

Ready For The Future Now

Several cities and states, including New York, Massachusetts, Minnesota and California, have set sustainability targets and introduced policies geared toward lowering the amount of CO2 produced by the built environment including our homes. Consider how the value of your home may be impacted as prospective homebuyers become more aware of the public and private movement toward more sustainable technologies. Conditioning your home with a heat pump may help you preserve your home’s value and make it more attractive to well-informed potential buyers. According to the Action Plan to Accelerate Strategic Electrification in the Northeast, a report prepared by Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (Neep), Strategic Electrification will require wider adoption of super-efficient HVAC technologies including residential air-source heat pumps.

Mitsubishi Electric Zoned Comfort Solutions® includes heat pumps engineered to keep your home comfortable in any climate. Yes, your home will become more energy efficient and sustainable, but you’ll also find it easier to customize your comfort and maintain your preferred temperature or set point for every room (or zone).

Strategic Electrification is a massive undertaking, but necessary to transform our homes and built environment for a more sustainable future. Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US continues to do its part with innovative electric-powered technologies and ongoing education and professional support for building industry professionals.