If you’re in the market for a home appliance, air conditioner or heat pump system, you’ve likely seen the words “Energy Star® certified.” Run by the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Energy Star program helps consumers save money and preserve the environment by choosing energy-efficient products. Thankfully, more new products than ever meet the certification’s stringent criteria, helping Americans reduce their carbon footprint.

Let’s take a closer look at what “Energy Star certified” means for heat pumps.

Meet the Metrics

Heating and air-conditioning products pursuing Energy Star certification are evaluated for how well they meet a handful of efficiency measurements, including their heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF), seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) and energy efficiency ratio (EER). To fully understand the weight behind the Energy Star label, let’s discuss what each term means.

HSPF measures a heat pump’s efficiency during heating season and is calculated by dividing the total heating output (measured in British Thermal Units, or BTUs) by the total kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy consumed during the same period.

SEER is calculated with the same formula as HSPF but measures efficiency during cooling season. In a controlled environment, the tested heat pumps operate in a simulated cooling season with temperatures ranging from 65 to 104° F.

EER measures a heat pump’s cooling efficiency at peak outdoor conditions. The laboratory uses a simulated 95° F outdoor temperature and 50 percent humidity with an 80° F set point. BTUs are then divided by watts of energy used to find the EER.

All product testing must be performed in a lab recognized and approved by the EPA, and results must be certified and submitted by an EPA-approved certification body.

With each of these measurements, the higher the rating, the better. Heat pumps can be marketed as Energy Star certified – and use the logo – if they meet specific measurement requirements.

Where does Mitsubishi Electric measure up?

Delivering superior, sustainable comfort for homeowners is the top priority for Mitsubishi Electric, and we’ve managed to do so while also helping provide operational cost savings through our energy-efficient products — a win-win!

In fact, Mitsubishi Electric offers the most Energy Star-certified heat pump system configurations available.

What makes our systems so energy-efficient? A major contributor is the variable-speed INVERTER-driven compressor technology. After reaching your preferred indoor temperature set point, the system continues to run smoothly, using minimal electricity to maintain your comfort. Our systems offer zone-by-zone temperature control and use up to 40 percent less energy than standard systems.

For more information on our products and technologies, visit MitsubishiComfort.com.